Our User Groups

We have a variety of groups who use St John’s Centre on a regular basis. Some use it as their daily base whilst others use it for weekly or monthly events. See below who is here and feel free to get in touch if you would like to join them and be part of our community centre.

St John’s Preschool – Registered Charity

St John’s Pre-school is situated within the first floor of the newly renovated st John’s centre./p>

St Johns Preschool – OFSTED Good

This is a well-established pre-school group serving the local community managed by an elected management committee. Creating a place for children to learn through play, socialise and make friends with others and meet other families from their local community. Children grow in confidence, gain a little independence and are in a multicultural learning environment

The preschool opens from Monday to Friday in term times from 8.45am – 3.00pm
For further information or to speak to a member of the staff team please contact: Margaret Lockwood on Telephone; 02073583349

email: preschool@talktalk.net

Lighthouse Children’s Foundation

Lighthouse Children’s Foundation afterschool and Saturday School – OFSTED Good

Lighthouse Children’s Foundation afterschool and Saturday School – OFSTED Good

This service supports parents by extending the day care until 6.30pm. Staff collect children from local primary schools and ensuring their safety until parents arrive.

It is a safe place with creative opportunities and is open from 3.30pm – 6.30pm Monday – Friday during school terms.

The Foundation offers a play scheme daily care in the half term and main school holidays from 8.30 – 6.00pm Monday to Friday

Finally it offers a skills development session on Saturday morning during school term supporting children preparing for exams or who may be finding education more difficult.

For further information or to speak to a member of the staff team please contact:

Dorothea Harleston or Lisa Robinson on
Telephone; 07502347320 or email:lightchildfound@yahoo.co.uk

Website: lighthousechildrensfoundation.com

At Your Beat (AYB)

Here at At Your Beat, we’re all about diversifying fitness, celebrating your individuality and personal growth. You’ll learn to dance and get fit with the most dynamic instructors within a family like environment, which we call the AYBFam.  You can view more of Facebook here

At Your Beat is the UK’S number one and most inclusive dance and fitness company. Recommended by the likes of Refinary 29, US/UK Vogue, Evening Standard, Esquire, MTV, Nike and more.

Come dressed in whatever lets you move freely, while feeling comfortable (both mentally & physically!) Our dance and fitness classes cover a wide range of techniques and styles. All classes begin with a fun warm up to loosen your limbs and get you in the zone!

Our fitness classes like FitBEAT and Peaches & Scream are inspired by dance and movement. We get your heart rate up with easy-to-follow grooves in high intensity intervals and get you that targeted burn with body conditioning exercises. All set to the best tunes and a whole lot of hype.

Our specialised dance classes (JazzBEAT, BashmentBEAT and StrutBEAT Heels) include a segment of going over techniques and foundation steps so you gain a better understanding of the dance style. The rest of the class will consist of learning the choreography, bit by bit, which will build over the course of the class. The end of the class will be your opportunity to dance it out with the love and support of your cheering #AYBFam!

Both classes will challenge you and leave you feeling like your best self.

View their website for more information: atyourbeat.com

Wellness Acupuncture and  Multi Bed Clinic

Our clinic offers affordable acupuncture treatments and gives access to quality care for those who can’t afford the regular prices.

The low price allows for more frequent treatments as it is often necessary to have acupuncture once a week for a period of time in order to get the best long-lasting results. If you only have a few treatments, or your treatments are too infrequent, acupuncture may not be able to build up the momentum for the healing that you seek. Our practitioners are highly qualified and fully insured.

The clinic operates on Monday and Friday from 11 – 6pm
and on Saturday & Sunday 11am – 5pm

For further information or to book an appointment please contact:

Lucie Trinephi or Kana Okada on

Tel; Lucie: 07421 877 138 or Kana: 07591 942 139

email: wellnessacupuncturelondon@gmail.com

web site: https://www.wellnessacupuncturelondon.com

Total Function – Health and Well-being Centre

Total function runs a series of clinics on how to look after your total physical health.

The clinics involves individual session on exercise physiotherapy, acupuncture, sports massage, nutrition advice, mental welfare and all holistic approaches to health care.

Working with the individual to come up with a long term plan to improve their living circumstances.

It is a safe place with individual therapy rooms on the third floor, but there is a mobility lift available should you need one.

For further information or to speak to a member of the staff team please contact:

Antonette Garcia
On email: info@totalfunction.co.uk
Website: totalfunction.co.uk

The Silver Lining Group

The Silver Lining Group Meets every Tuesday from 11 – 2.30pm in the main hall of the centre

The group meet to chat, do a bit of Zumba exercise, share a soup and a sandwich and then learn a little, play games or try new skills.

The group is open to anyone over 50 and we ask for a £2 donation towards the lunch. We are a friendly bunch and would love you to join us.

The timetable is published every 6 weeks on this web site so please keep an eye on our events calendar.

Contact Deleneybrown@stjohnscentre.co.uk
Telephone: 07944 103 494

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